About Mitchell Johnston

I love design. I am always thinking of something new to design, and love seeing great design in everyday life. Label/Packaging design are among my favorites.

My designs are usually vector art, but I also dabble in photography and rasterized design. I also have this weird (almost concerningly so) infatuation with print. The world is just better in CMYK.

I have recently finished my BS at ASU in Graphic Information Technology (GIT). This is a very extensive major, so I will do my best to describe it to you. Essentially, the GIT major taught me more than just how to be a graphic designer, but also photography, business management, communication, and project management. In addition to all this, I was also taught about the entire production process. Therefore, my knowledge of design does not just end at the final design, but also includes the knowledge of the best way to go about producing your design (wed, print, screen printing, layout, etc.).

The biggest goal of my life is to start my own non-profit called Give Real Massages. This organization will be focused specifically on, but not limited to, reducing the amount of physical and sexual abuse in the world, and helping those that have becomes victims of physical and sexual abuse by assisting other organizations with their resources, to become more efficient and self sustaining entities with a functioning structure. Give Real Massages (GRM) acquired its name based on the fact that many massage parlors are fronts for brothels, where people are sold, against their will, to perform sexual activities.

As there are many other organizations already focused in this area, GRM will work to assist these existing organizations, solving any of their needs (marketing, financial, physical, etc.) Just consider it the “A-Team” against the fight against physical and sexual abuse.

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